So it's now been 30plus days since I had a response to my open ticket from these developers, I'm wondering are you ever going to sort this out? Have the common decency to reply, maybe?
Cant train troops, can't scout, can't collect gifts, and as previous people have experienced this is down to a power cap - fix it, or drop my power like you did for other player so I get some functionality at least.
Anybody else having these issues?
Yup that power glitch is killer. Game ignores you takes forever for them fix. But they ignore everything. My screen goes yellow half the time so I cant play
Always restarting game like 5 times before I can see anything. Support is a waste they wither dont answer or say there is no problem even after you show them pictures same old automated answer or no answer n fixes nothing
Paul Robson
almost 6 years ago
Yeah I've shown them all the screen recordings of the glitches happening, but still nothing from them.
almost 6 years ago
You should try going to apple or Google and ask them for help with game maker that's totally not fair
Paul Robson
almost 6 years ago
I think that's the way I will go now, as the closed this ticked down without even a reply
Paul Robson