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Ideas and questions

I like this game, apart from the logging in bugs and other already noticed bugs lol. Question. Why do the level 1 bombers have no 'good against' listed? Question. What advantage is there of having more than one factory it's not clear? It would be good to know how many tanks and planes we can store. When I was last able to log into my account I had 2000 of each how many more can i store? Everytime I use chat my message displays then disappears when I go back to my base. I'm sure I'll think of something else

1 person has this question

Una pregunta como se consigue el codigo del cupon en el juego?
Hi devs, sorry just curious why still i get no response of my mail. Here's i attached a ss of my tickets. Please response, glitch getting annoyed and late response make it get worse. Thank you
We need a chat feature please so we'll know who are online plus emojis. It's a ww2 game but this is 2018. Emoji is essential. Also more avatars (current ones are fugly just hideous), better looking front titles (current titles are so tiny and nothing cool about them), and player's profile.
Hving world clocks at the top would be helpful to give an idea of when players will be online
Factories dont work right if it takes 1 factory 1min to produce 1 unit 2 factories should produce 2 in a min but they dont
This is small but it would make more realistic. When you help 1 person,you lose 1000 of each resources when you help so when you help 30x helps you lose 30000 of each resource but not cash.
There should be a ocean and if you are on the sand you can build a navy and vessels are destroyer,cruiser,battleship, and aircraft carrier I KNOW it would be one cool update
This is an old topic but I'm adding a comment since I would like to know when traps will be introduced. On similar games the bomber unit is strong against wall traps, which I see that some of the features like the commander skills for traps are in place but we still do not have the research or the ability to build them. I assume te traps will be introduced later thru an update. For the factories, there are 2 benefits. The amount of troops you can queue and the building bonus. At level 21 you are only able to make 6K troops at a time, having 2 of them will allow you to make 12K at a time. The only time you can benefit from this is when you are doing your mass troop training in which all your bonuses and speed ups should be applied towards the production time. At level 21 the factory also gives you a 12% defense boost, if you have 2 you get 24%.
Plataform to pc

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I think airborne and navy would make this game sweet, also I think there should be a few more places than just an atomic facility to take. All serving a different purpose.

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Having multiple factories raises the maximum amount of troops you can build per batch. At lvl21 you would get the unit def multiple times aswell. There is no maximum amount of troops, just a maximum amount wgich can march at a time. Bombers are meant for rss load and clearing enemy traps (which are not in game yet)

The basic bomber has a Resources Load of 8 and also Power 4. So power is double everything else and the resources load is on the high end.

So they're decent for resource gathering. And I think the power is useful against rebels. And even though it might have weaknesses, I think it works well in conjunction with your other units?

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