Here again is my stupidity. In the Commander Event when to get points for example, one must "damage or destroy 1tier 1,2,3,or 4 unit". I can't figure out what to do to damage or destroy the units. Sorry I'm so stupid but would appreciate some help, tkanks.
1 Comment
Gabriel Diaz
about 6 years ago
Hello Gary,
You will find that a lot of these games do not give too much direction on how to do things. I believe they do this to encourage players to learn from others promoting social interactions whitin the game.
As far a the destroy units event points are gained by attacking other players. If you click on the event in game you will see how many points each will give you and the rewards you can earn at certain point limits.
Take a look at the battling section in the solutions section of the forum or check out the tips page in Facebook. I would also recommend to join an active alliance in the game, you should be able to get answers to these questions in the game, do not worry about not knowing how to play. Every player went through the same thing to lead the game.
Gary L Chaffin