Yesterday, as I got a notification that my shield expired, I logged in to refresh it. As I was logging in, your auto, in-game adds were going through the cycle and it caused me to somehow hit the "30-day shield", without trying to hit it. It put up a 30-day shield and cost me 20,000 gold.
I have no intentions of being away from the game for 30 days, so this shield and my 20,000 gold is getting wasted.
Your developers need to stop these auto cycling, in-game adds, and the screen needs to stop jumping up as we click on speed-up tabs, because many times this has caused me to accidentally select something I had no intentions of selecting which has cost me a lot of gold.
Also, instead of everything just being automatic after clicking on it, any in-game "purchases" that require using gold, should require a confirmation, rather than a one-touch option to activate. Again, I have lost so much gold and wasted so many unintended speed-ups, etc. due to lack of "apply" confirmation feature.
Can I please be returned my 20,000 gold that I worked so hard to obtain?
[email protected]