I believe the following will assist a lot to improve our gaming experience.
there sjouldbe an alliance headquarters. an alliance should have a qualifying number of members and power.
this should have facilities such as a hyper resource tile with a specified amount of that resource in it. the headquarters and other facilities such as resource tile vault and defences must be build by the alliances members. operating from that area sjould provide bonuses to them
Thank you for taking the time to send us your feedback!
I will forward your message to the rest of the team in order to be discussed and to see what could be done with regards to this at some point, although I cannot promise you any changes at the moment.
I have made a few suggestions such as this one as well, and I am hoping to see them implemented. ^__^
Meanwhile, if you need assistance with any matters, please let us know.
Have a nice day ahead!
Marian C. The World at War Team
haley steele
over 7 years ago
I would like to add... We need an alliance war log. Not too in-depth just who attacked who and server time it was done. Also an indicator on the main screen to let the alliance know someone is being attacked. And please please please we need a translator so bad. Half our front is Russian and we cannot organise front vs front events when we have no idea what people are saying to each other.
almost 7 years ago
We should be able to attack a tile .if it's stolen from you......
Danie Swart