Leveling the Playing Field During World Domination Event
Tyson Miller
started a topic
over 7 years ago
My idea is to simply have the even numbered fronts be allies and the odd numbered fronts axis. That way even the newest fronts have an ally front in the first 3 fronts and its evenly spread throughout however many fronts participate in the event. Maybe the development team could make a video and post it on their website and Facebook page or live stream it so create suspense in the people watching the live stream to find out dart throw by dart throw who they are going to have as allied fronts for the upcoming world domination event. Just my opinion. So Tell me what you think of it.
1 Comment
Gabriel Diaz
over 7 years ago
Great suggestion Tyson,
People submitted similar feedback from the last time they ran the event. I was expecting to see the same, even vs odd. The problem with this is that we assume that because the server is older it would be a stronger front but that's not the case. For example, I'm in front 1, and yes F1 VS F16 wouldn't be a fair fight because F16 is too new to compete against a bunch of maxed players from an older server. But when you look into the older servers it's different. I have been keeping taps on the results of Kill events and Front 1 vs fronts 2 & 3 we win but every time we are matched against Front 4 we lose. Only the developer knows the true strength of the fronts since they hold all the data so I assume and hope they took this into account when they divided the fronts. As far as the suggestions for a video explaining things I could not agree with you more. For other games I use to follow several you tube channels to learn more. Unfortunately I haven't seen anyone actively making videos, there are a few out there but already out of date and nothing recent. I attempted to start making them but it prove to be too much work for me. So until someone steps up and starts making them we have to rely on teammates to share their knowledge. So if you are reading this and have the capability to make videos you should try it since there seems to be a growing interest for the game, I created a group in Facebook just to exchange gold and the group grew to over 100 members in about 2 weeks.
Tyson Miller