At present, the prize of gold mines scattered across the winning front really doesn't work. Due to persistent attacks on level 5 and 6 mines by a few alliances, the mines are now being left largely unoccupied. Attempts to reach agreement for a nap on gold mines have been an abject failure. Perhaps the rules should be changed so that only level 6 mines are open to attack?
This game is actually pretty fair in regards to that. In other games you can be attacked on any level tile. By making it the way they did, the lower players stand a chance at gathering on lower level tiles to be able to grow. There still has to be a way of causing conflict for players to attack each other so that's why you are able to attack on higher level mines. Just like setting a trap base you can use anti scout, 50% march boost and send 450K T4 with your commander skilled on attack. You will notice that a lot will try scout but many won't hit because they won't know what's there and if they do attack they will have some loses.
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over 7 years ago
Thanks for your reply Gabriel. Anti scout is great for the purpose of course. I don't know how often I have 450k troops to spare
mind you, but I must admit I hadn't thought of using a march boost. Thanks for the tip. ;-)
Thanks a lot for taking the time to send us your suggestion!
I will forward it to the rest of the team in order to be discussed and to see how we can use this idea to offer you and other players as well a better in-game experience. If any changes should be made eventually, we will make a public announcement.
Meanwhile, if there is anything else we can assist you with, please let us know.
I wish you the very best in your future endeavors!
Kindest regards, Alexandra S - the eRepublik Labs Support Team