As anybody got any ideas how to reduce the food consumption of troops..I have 10 farms at level 21 but they still keep eating down very quickly..I need to get rid of my lower level troops and would ideally like to have a option to destroy them..
The only way to get rid of troops is by attacking other players or sending them to a level 6 rss tile. Other things you can do to improve your food production is to set commander gear and skills to food production. I'm still investigating a loss in food production. I used to make 10 million food an hour and after the last update it has gone down to about 6 million per hour.
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Carlos Freitas
over 7 years ago
Qould you usw to gwt some reducwa of prosucrion in the ahop of Aliance no?
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kevin smith
over 7 years ago
Set commander to food production and got a upkeep reduction booster..finally producing food again..yay..thanks for the help..
kevin smith