I've been experiencing game freezing problems that are very, very bad. Its reached the point to where I can't play at all without the game freezing. I login and about a minute later it freezes. No buttons work. I can't even get my phone's toolbar to appear.
I've tried so many methods to try and fix this including deleting about 1/3 of all the files and apps on my phone to free up storage. Plus, many other self help methods. But, nothing has worked at all. Has anyone else had this problem? If so was there a solution you tried that worked in fixing it?
Best Answer
Hyde66 F3
over 7 years ago
My acct. just froze at the start of the FvF while attacking. It says I have a march out but no green banner with troop numbers show. I can't port. I can't shield. Needless to say, I was practically zeroed within 30 seconds. Sad that its still locked up.. still burning.. I can't do anything about it. Exited/entered numerous times.
My acct. just froze at the start of the FvF while attacking. It says I have a march out but no green banner with troop numbers show. I can't port. I can't shield. Needless to say, I was practically zeroed within 30 seconds. Sad that its still locked up.. still burning.. I can't do anything about it. Exited/entered numerous times.
Steve Mcdermott
over 7 years ago
@hyde I had same problem got rallied totally zeroed months of time an fair bit of real cash down toilet unless Devs sort it :(
Brent Jordan
over 7 years ago
Exact same problem today but worse in addition (false march) 2.4 mil troops gone. Hospital beds not working embassy lvl 22 not letting me be reinforced and my resources are not accumulating.
over 7 years ago
Same problem also
Ian Willems
over 7 years ago
Same here zeroed in a Matter of 2 minutes
Steve Mcdermott
over 7 years ago
Be nice if the Devs ever get off their arse an sort these problems out 2 days since I put my ticket in still no response
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Timothy Garrett
over 7 years ago
Great same problem as you all and good to know the developers have done nothing about it. Have not been able to build or heal as I was wiped out
Jay Rock
over 7 years ago
Same problem happens at start of 99 percent of the destroy events! WI'll this ever be fixed?
Steve Mcdermott
over 7 years ago
Yep we are not alone now 3 days still waiting for a response the Devs are fucking useless
joe mitchell
over 7 years ago
Same here waiting and waiting nothing yet.
Tap Is Lame
over 7 years ago
Never nothing they don't give a s@#t that you spend money servers are probably located in China which would explain all the bs they need to compensate every player and revert servers so we can get our troop back no reports March lags false marches total losses and unmentionable amount of resources let alone items stealing gold to purchase stuff u already have within your own items fkin ridiculous...
Timothy Garrett
over 7 years ago
They do nothing time to go to the App Store and give bad rating for lack of support
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