Dear Commanders,
We put together a tutorial for the new World Domination Event so you can have a clearer idea of how it works.
With other questions you might have, please ask in this thread and we will get back to you in a short while.
What is World Domination Event?
World Domination Event is an event where you choose a side and collect Flags in order to place them on the map and attain control over all regions.
Choosing a Faction
The two Factions are represented by The Allies and The Axis. Once you have decided which side you wish to fight for, tap the Select button underneath your chosen Faction.
Players who are in the same Alliance can be in different Factions if they prefer so.
N.B: Please note that once you have selected a Faction, you cannot change it until the end of the event.
Obtaining the Flags
Flags can be obtained after completing actions such as training, injuring and destroying units, gathering resources, building and researching and defeating rebels.
For example, producing 1,000 Tier 1 units will get you one flag.
You can see how many flags you have earned in total, as well as the ongoing round and the time left until it ends on the Event tab.
The event may end:
- When a Faction loses all its regions
- After a set number of rounds
However, Earned Flags is not the same as Available Flags.
Earned Flags represents the total flags you have earned so far in the event, while Available Flags are the Flags which you can currently place on a Region.
Earned Flags = Placed Flags + Available Flags
You can see how many Available Flags you currently have on the upper-left corner of the event tab:
Placing the Flags
Once you have obtained a number of Flags, you can place them on the Contested Regions.
You can go to the Contested Regions either directly from the Event tab,
or by tapping on the map expansion icon in the upper-left corner of the Event tab.
If you chose the latter, after tapping the icon, you should see the whole map on your screen:
The Regions are colored in red if they are owned by the Axis and in blue if they are owned by the Allies.
The red outline on a blue Region means that the Region is contested by the opposite side; the same applies for the blue outline on a red Region.
If a Region is not contested, you cannot place Flags on it.
If you want to return to the Event tab, you can do so by tapping the red X icon in the upper-right corner of the page.
Once you decided upon a Region and tapped on it, you will be able to place the Flags:
You can select the number of Flags you wish to place on the selected Region by moving the slider accordingly.
After you have selected the number of Flags to be placed, you simply need to tap the Place Flags button. The action can be repeated on the same Region or a different one.
N.B: Once you place the Flags in a region, they cannot be removed, even if the placement has been made by mistake
On this page, you can also see how many Flags your Faction has placed on a Region, as well as the bonuses offered by that Region once conquered:
Why should you gain and use flags?
Placing flags and occupying Regions for your Faction has its benefits.
Each Region has a certain bonus; once conquered, the Faction which owns it will benefit from the bonus :
- As long as the control over the Region is maintained
- Until the event ends
Moreover, rewards will be given for reaching milestones, just like in the regular Events; instead of earning points, you will earn flags and complete the progress bar.
The Faction which has control over the most Regions wins the Event.
If both Factions own the same number of Regions, the Faction with the most flags at the end of the Event wins.
Hi Caciollip,
Thank you for bringing this up!
Indeed, Gabriel is right. All the Fronts participate in the World Domination event and it's not about the Front in this event but about the side you pick. Each Commander from all the Fronts had to pick on side - either Allies or Axis.
The Guideline clearly states:
"The event may end:
- When a Faction loses all its regions
- After a set number of rounds"
In this case, the Allies took control over all the regions.
If you need further help with the game, please don't hesitate to let us know. As always, we're just a message away.
Have a nice day ahead!
Kind regards,
Laura - the World at War Team
Hi Gabriel,
We appreciate that you so active on our Forum. We are glad to see that you are wiling to help out fellow Commanders.
Cheers for that!
This was the first iteration of the World Domination Event.
We gathered some feedback useful negative and positive feedback, noticed the flaws in the balance and we will work on all of this.
An improved version of the event will follow in the future and we hope it will be a occasion of excitement.
Thank you for your support and have a nice day ahead!
Kind regards,
Laura - the World at War team
I have a supplemental question :
During World Domination Event I will fight only with the same front of destroy event or all the fronts will be envolved? IE : BLUE flags and RED flags are only from 2 fronts or all fronts?
Thank you Gabriel, I think the same as you but would like to have official response from the support team.
Thank you Laura.
Now it is very clear.
This topic's purpose is to help you through the upcoming World Domination Event.
For the moment, the topic will be locked until the event will be available.
Thanks for your patience and happy gaming moments!
Your World at War Team
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