Hello my game name is SHUFFMAN318.
I jumped to f11 from f7 during the pvp event using beginner teleports. Now I have none left and I'm trapped in f11 with the rest of my alliance in f7. Please help.
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almost 8 years ago
Similar problem for me.
I started game in f11 but my friends are in f2.
The beginner teleport clearly states that hq level 6 and above cannot teleport to other fronts.
I stayed put to carry out upgrades as much as I could all to lvl 5 and all research then I started hq upgrade early to save some time on the understanding that before I became hq 6 I could still port.
The second I clicked to upgrade my teleports vanished.
This goes against what was read and understood. I am now trapped in an alien front and this account which I have spent much time upgrading has now become useless to me if you can't sort this out.
Brent Shuff
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