What are the key attributes to look for in attacking. How can I figure out the amount of troops to take down an AI enemy? Are all my troops sitting at my base auto defending?
1. Scout your opponent. This will tell you what troops they have
2. Compare the scouting report to your own troops- they have their own unique strengths and weaknesses
3. Remember to factor in bonusea for equipment, research, etc
4. Your commander will give bonuses for attacking. However, your opponent's commander also has defensive bonuses AND gives bonuses to the base
5. Your remaining troops will defend your base. Their strength depends on a few factors, predominantly relating to whether your commander is there or not.
Hope this helps :)
Henry Ford
about 8 years ago
when i attack a farm to occupy it and I click occupy my troops do not stay there and it shows unoccupied again
about 8 years ago
Dear Henry,
After selecting your Units, you need to tap "Start Gathering" as well. This button is right next to the "Auto-select Units" button.
I hope this helps, but if you need more help, feel free to ask.