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So they can cheat now

I was off line,was a leader 2nd in kingdom. Had the atomic facility attacked by someone in my alliance for the #1 group to force my shields down cause....THE TILE OF "KING" was given to me..yes part of receiving the title is your shields fall I know..My argument is this: in this way a player can give this title to any player to force thier shields down WITHOUT their knowledge and take everything they got, MY suggestion is update the game to force the one taking the title KING has to press and ok button to acknowledge that they are about to become king..this way no one else will be taken advantage of like me..I lost everything but will rise back up to destroy them all..AGREE or do you....Disagree

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Most people create a second small account and make it alliance leader. That way they can't do this to you. Also keep your alliance closed. If someone has troops in the af they can simply keep jumping thru alliances and repeating the process.

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Is anyone on the dev team going to reply back on this issue 
Your alliance leader is supreme commander if you have atomic facility, if he transfers alliance leadership to you it will make your shields drop, but it cant be transferred to a member of another alliance, atleast asfar as i can see.

Lost same way, became supreme commander in offline and lost everything.

Just to clarify, they cannot pass the supreme leader to anyone. Someone from your alliance has to Send troops to the atomic facility, then the leader of that alliance becomes the supreme commander. If your alliance is open, the person that has troops in the AF can go in your alliance and this will cause the alliance leader to become supreme commander and drop his shield.
Aaaah, War Game people!!! That does not sound like cheating to me, sneaky and a good move but not cheating. What alliance would leave their door wide open and unattended during a FvF? Any R5 or R4 know that during a FvF a R4 is assigned to the door just for alliance hopping. Though I am sorry to hear of your loss in such a manner, you have the right attitude build back and serve them pie. 
Same issue here. 3 times in the past couple of weeks. And, yes, it is cheating. This is not the game but takin advantage of flaw in the game. If this is the developer’s intent, it would/should be published. Bottom line, I have never heard of this capability until it happened the first and second time and realized what happened. I also would like to know when the devs plan on addressing the open tickets and issues.
This issue was fixed with the last update. Now the alliance can stay closed and the R4’s can recruit by sending invites.
just happened last night
Your leader should set the recruitment to invite only. This will ensure other players won’t sneak in.
Guys, this is a non-issue if you secure you alliance like any intellegent leader should. Slipping into an insecure alliance and taking AF to rape & pillage is strategy not a flaw in the game. So... do what you need to do in order to counter these tactics.
It’s not strategy if it wasn’t identified as part of the game. It’s more an exploit of the game. No point in having open alliances while this exists. So...continue justifying an exploit.
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