These Items help your Base in times of war and peace.

Recall - this item recalls  your units before they reach their destination - 10 Gold

8 H/ 24H/ 3 Days/ 30 Days Shield - these shield will protect your base from being attacked or scouted. 

12H 40% // 24H 50% Attack Booster -  these boosters add 40% / 50% to your unit attack for 12/24H with said percentage. 

12H 40% // 24H 50% Attack Debuff -  these items will subtract 40% / 50% from your enemies’ unit attack for 12/24H with mentioned percentage. 

12H 40% // 24H 50% Defense Booster -  these boosters add 40% / 50% to your unit defense for 12/24H with mentioned percentage. 

12H 40% // 24H 50% Defense Debuff -  these items subtract 40% / 50% from your enemies’ unit defense for 12/24H with mentioned percentage. 

24H / 7 Days Anti Scout - this item protects your Base from being scouted. This also works on tiles. 

4H 25% // 4H 50% March Size Increase - these boosters increase the maximum number of units in a march.