This page contains all information you need to know about your Commander. 

You can change your Commander name if you have a Change Name item in your inventory. 

The name you chose must:

- be unique (no two names are the same)

- pass the profanity filter (make sure your name is not vulgar/offensive)

- be written in the Latin alphabet, without any special characters or pauses after the last character

At the top of the menu, next to your Commander name,  you can see your Commander level. 

Under that, you can see your Experience points (XP). As you play and gain XP the bar will fill. 

Once it will fill completely your Commander earns a level and the bar resets.  If you click on the plus sign you can add Commander XP items available in the store.  

Under the XP bar there is the Commander stamina. Stamina is used for attacking rebels.  

Each attack will take away 2000 Stamina Points. It has a pool of 50,000 points and it can be replenished either in time [ 3600 points/hour] or by purchasing a  Stamina item 

In the center you can check the Commander bonuses. 

There are Base bonuses and Unit bonuses. 

Keep in mind that the Unit bonuses apply only to units that are in the same march or location as the Commander. That’s why you must select your Commander when sending a march. 

The Building bonuses apply also in case of attacks and defenses.