Base Missions help you on your way to develop your Base, acting both as a tutorial and milestones to be completed for a more powerful base. There are three main types of Base Missions: Build, Production and Research. Sometimes you will also see a Misc Category; however, these missions are rather rare.

General Eisenhower will guide you through the missions; however, you do not need to follow them in the order indicated.

Completed base missions will give you different rewards. You can collect these rewards by tapping on the Gen. Eisenhower’s image on the left side of the screen. This will open the base missions menu from which you can tap the collect button.

Some missions, such as Build a Gold Mine or Secure Your Account can be skipped; however, if you will eventually build a Gold Mine or secure your account with an e-mail address, you will no longer receive the rewards these missions give.

FAQ: I skipped the Gold Mine Mission but now I want to build a Gold Mine; can you reactivate it for me?

No; unfortunately, skipped missions cannot be reactivated.